Have you been wandering aimlessly scouring the internet hoping to grasp some information that would help you better market your business? Well my friends, the wait is over – welcome to the Clear Imaging Blog! My name is Julie Hadduck and I am thrilled to be the blogger for Clear Imaging. So grab yourself a cup of coffee, sit back and maybe grab a notepad because in future blogs we will be giving you some of the secrets of the industry. Yes – you heard right! We will be teaching you in this blog how to better optimize your business website!
At Clear Imaging, we offer many services that go beyond simply building websites for businesses. Many people invest in a website, choose pretty colors, great graphics and then what do they do? They walk away…. That’s right, no new content, no new keywords – basically nothing new for the search engines to pick up. This is fine if you basically want to have a website to reference your clients to, but if you are looking to have your website work FOR you, then it simple won’t due at all. This is what sets Clear Imaging apart from other web design services – we won’t leave you hanging, and we’ll tell you what you need to know about search engine optimization to help you obtain the best results possible from your website! This blog is another vehicle to help educate individuals on the most efficient and effective way to optimize their website. – And I can promise you that along the way we will try to make this a fun and easy process so that you don’t fall asleep like you used to do in your old math classes.
At Clear Imaging, we have compiled a team of some of the most energetic and enthusiastic professionals that can work with you on not only creating your website design but can also help you with programming, logo design, web hosting, search engine optimization, print design and website updates. While we know that this can all seem overwhelming, our associates can break it down for you and teach you to do it for yourself – or we can provide those services for you! As always, at Clear Imaging we truly appreciate comments and feedback, please feel free to leave yours at the bottom!
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