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This is so simple you’ll forget

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While there are a million different things one can be doing with their marketing in 2020 there are a few that are absolutely vital. And today we’re going to talk about one of them, with the assumption that you are in a service-based industry.

It is extremely basic, but don’t be fooled. Often times the most important things are forgotten, because they are so basic.

And here it is: maintaining a CENTRAL database of all past and current customers, and adding ALL NEW customers.

That means, not having some of them in your Quickbooks, some of them in a notepad in your desk, and some of them in your email contacts, and some of them on a spreadsheet.

No, this means, having ALL contacts living in one central platform.

But that is going to be a lot of work, why should I bother?

Because, if you have all your contacts in one location, for instance, in Excel, suddenly enormous marketing opportunities reveal themselves!

Make a column in the spreadsheet and name it ‘repeat’ and then go through each of your customers and input how many times they have bought from you, going through all your customers. Repeat buyers are the EASIEST of all people to sell your services to. By organizing your data so you can actually see who all your repeats are, you can then know who to call up and sell more services to. If you’re not actively selling to repeat buyers then you are leaving money on the table.

Make another column called ‘review’. And then email everyone in the list, and ask them for a Google Review, and when they actually do it, note it in the spreadsheet as ‘done’; this way you can know which you need to send follow up emails to.

Make another column called ‘referral’. This time, call each person on the list, telling the you’re doing a post-job follow up to ensure their satisfaction and the quality of your work. If they are very pleased and had a good experience, ask them if they have any friends or family who might be interested in your services because you have a special referral program, and then give them an enticing offer.

The various uses go on.

But it all starts with having all your data in its complete form, in one place. That may take some hard work, but it will be WELL worth it when it is done.

Additionally, if you are not up to the task of emailing your customer base for reviews and keeping track of follow up messages, we just launched a new service called Reputation Management, where we do all of that for you. Click here to learn more >>

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