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Differentiate Yourself with Social Responsibility

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You’re going to love this one.

A wise man once said: being different is more important than being better.

This is very true for your marketing and for your website.

Different things get remembered, and earn a place in the mind. Generic things are forgotten.

And, I know you don’t want to be forgotten!

The next item we’re going to talk about will do not only build trust, and an emotional bond but will also make it very unlikely that the prospect will forget you.

May I introduce to you: social responsibility.

In other words: helping out your community with charity or volunteer work. Giving your time or money to your community to help out areas where there are unmet needs.

There may be organizations in your city where you can volunteer at doing:

  1. Mentoring children
  2. Literacy with children
  3. Cleaning up parks and public spaces
  4. Soup kitchens
  5. Fund raisers
  6. Donating your products that are not suitable to take to market but still perfectly usable
  7. Donating your services
  8. Letting non-profits use your offices, and space for functions or activities
  9. Apprenticeship for disadvantaged children, teaching them your trade
  10. Anything with pets
  11. Spending time with the elderly

The list goes ON and ON!

I think you get the point.

So, do some thinking and figure out what type of volunteer work you and your staff can do that fits well with your business and your interests, and just go out and start doing it! Whether once a week or once a month, turn it into a team-building opportunity!

The point is, get out there and start doing something in the community and then put a section on your home page with a photo of your team helping out and some text, and link it to an inner page which shows more info. There are so many benefits to this other than the obvious PR and trust factor. You and your employees will bond on a deeper level, and feel fulfillment in knowing there are helping out folks without anything in return, pure help.

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