
How to do Proper Email Marketing

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Let’s get you properly doing EMAIL MARKETING

You CAN still generate revenue with email marketing; it is not dead, despite what some may say.

It is STILL working, and it CAN work for you.

Just realize that any failure you have had with email marketing was simply because you did not have the right email subject, email text, the right offer or the right recipients in your list.

Emails which have the right subject and text and are sent to the right people DO generate sales.

What types of emails should I send?

There are many different types of emails you can send to your list. The two main ones are:

Goodwill ‘Content’ Emails which simply seek to give information and inform, and not sell. This is helpful information which is relevant to your customer base.

Sales Emails which seek to enlighten and get the reader to purchase something. It could be a special discount offer, a new product/service, or simply your main flag-ship service. Whatever it is, you are asking them to ‘buy’ directly and not being coy about it. This includes ‘flash sale’ emails. ‘Sales’ email do NOT mean a discount! You should only do discounts one or two times per year, as your customer base will start to expect them, and not purchase.

How often should I send to my list?

Once a week is good. You should be sending a minimum of two Goodwill Content emails a month and two Sales email a month to your list. Any less than 2 emails a month and your list will decay, lose interest, and forget about you.

What you need to start doing

Send to the right people

Start by sending emails to your current or past customers. Because they know you, they are much more likely to business with you. By whatever means, you need to get the name and email of your customers and start entering it into an email marketing platform such as Mail Chimp or SendGrid. If you can’t get a hold of past emails then fear not, start collecting emails from current customers NOW.

Choose the right subject line

Subject lines that are predictable will be ignored and won’t be opened. Your subject line cannot be conservative. It needs to be ‘tangy’ so to speak. It must pique interest in the reader. It needs to catch their eye, but not offend. A quick Google search for clever email subject lines will help give you the idea. The subject need ONLY convince them to open the email. The subject does NOT need to explain the content of the email. I repeat, the email subject line does NOT describe the contents of your email. That is a huge mistake many marketers make, as it will result in mediocre open rates. Effective subject lines are:

  • Hey
  • [blank]
  • first name?
  • I’m trying to connect
  • I called you

Choose the right message

If the purpose of the subject line is to get the reader to open your message, then the purpose of the email text is to get them to perform an action (call a number, click a link etc.).

The text/message for a Goodwill Content email simply has to inform, provide value and be highly relevant to your audience. Think of providing information that would solve problems that they are experiencing. It could be tips, DIY guides, important news, de-mystifying complex topics. It can also link to a full article or video on your website. Keep it ONE topic per email; don’t do the old style newsletters where you bombard the reader with 5 different things.

The text/message for a Sales email is very precise and must be done properly in order to get sales from your email.

Rules for your Sales Email

1) Keep it relevant. If you provided landscaping services to the customers don’t sell them toaster ovens, sell them related landscaping or hardscaping services.

2) Your sales text needs to show the reader how your product/service is going to take him from his current state into a higher state, a before & after. It needs to discuss the current difficulties he may be having, and then the future relief and gain he will have by using your product/service. It is HIGHLY recommended that you study up on how to write sales text by reading some articles on Hubspot or Digital Marketer.

3) Use scarcity. Play in to the customer’s fear by communicating what they have to lose if they don’t get your product/service.

4) Go in for the ‘ask’, multiple times. Don’t be shy, have several calls to actions in the email.

5) Keep them SHORT. Don’t expect an email to do your heavy lifting. The Sales Email should encourage them to call in or write back. You’re setting yourself up for a loss if you think an email is going to sell a $5000 service/product.

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