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SEO Dont’s – Part Two

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Our second installment on things to avoid doing for your website’s SEO continues.

Don’t Purchase ‘Likes’ ‘Followers’ or ‘Views’

There are in fact several companies out there who have huge networks of facebook/twitter/youtube/google+ users and for the right price you can buy packs of thousands of ‘likes’, ‘followers’ etc. for your page.

The risk is not whether they will deliver (as they usually do deliver), the risk is in your account getting shut down as it is in violation of the Terms of Service between your company’s page and Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google+ etc etc.

Don’t take the easy road out! Generate social media attention by actually creating and promoting compelling content and you will get your ‘likes’ and ‘followers’.

Don’t Keyword Stuff File Names

While Google does put some weight in keywords in the URL however it isn’t something you should over-do. Remember the less ‘spammy’ your website looks, the better.

As a rule of thumb the file name of a page should be the most succinct description of that page’s contents. File names like: contact.htm, about.htm, products.htm are perfectly acceptable. File names for specific services/products can be more detailed, such as: snow-removal.htm, landscape-design.htm, concrete-paver-benefits.htm. Try to keep it under four words.

– Avoid file names such as: general-contractor-dayton-ohio.htm.

– Avoid using the underscore to separate words, use the hyphen instead.

Don’t Change a File Name and Neglect a 301 Redirect

Sometimes we need to rename web pages for whatever reason. This is perfectly fine but you must not neglect to put a redirect in your .htaccess file (if you use Linux servers) to tell the search engines and browsers that your old file now has a new address. If you don’t do this your old file will lose all of its rapport as it will now be a dead link. And your new file has to start from scratch with its rapport.

Don’t Trash Old Text

If you have a page which has dynamic or regularly updating content, do NOT just delete the old content and replace it with the new! Remember that content is KING and it must be utilized. Instead archive old content, move it to another page, just don’t delete it.

Even out-dated text should be kept, with a warning at the top and a link to a page which has newer information. This way people can still find your old information (which is well indexed throughout the internet) and then be able to get the new information.


As usual, if you don’t even know what an .htaccess file is let alone how to edit one, or if you have too much on your plate to do your companies social media, contact Clear Imaging to help you get it done. http://www.clearimaging.com

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