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How to optimize your Yelp account

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Yelp boasts over 100 million monthly active users on different platforms. If you want to boost your business’ visibility and drive social engagement, reviews, and ratings and get found and clicked through, this is one platform you cannot afford to ignore.

The key is to get your Yelp page properly optimized. A well-optimized Yelp account translates into more reviews and clicks.

At Clear Imaging, we will take you through the steps to optimize your Yelp account:

1. Claim or Add Your Business

If you think you already have your business on Yelp, you should go to https://biz.yelp.com/claim and fill out your business name.

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If your business is present on Yelp, you should follow through the steps to fill out all of your business’s basic information.

2. Add Your Business

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If your business is not found on Yelp, you should choose the ‘add your business’ option. 

  • You should start by choosing the right category that matches your business’ profile. You can choose multiple categories based on the product or service you offer.
  • Once you click ‘add business’ to complete the process, the verification process will initiate.
  • Once the verification process is complete, you should expect an email containing information on how to claim your business.

3. Add & Edit Business Information

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Next, you should add all the relevant business information such as images, hours of operation, and map location.

  • Log into your Yelp account using your email ID and password
  • Click on ‘business information’ from the home page

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  • In the ‘basic information’ section, edit your business name, address, and other data such as parking and outdoor seating facilities. Choose ‘no’ if you do not offer a certain facility.

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  • Next, provide information on your business’ opening hours. Make sure to provide accurate information. If your business is temporarily closed, make sure your potential customers know that you are closed and until when.
  • From the ‘specialties’ section, let people know what area your business specializes in. This is where you should mention all the useful keywords.
  • In the ‘history’ section, provide information on your business’ history, starting from when it was founded. The key is to let your potential customers know more about your business, and your values, and feel more connected to it.
  • It is recommended to describe your business’ history in at least 300 words. Unique and rich content can help boost your Yelp page’s SEO and your potential customers’ interests.

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  • In the ‘meet the owner/manager’ section, provide some info on your business owner or manager. Besides a brief bio, include the person’s photo. Let your customers contact the key personnel. Again, provide information that can make your target audience feel related.

4. Add Photos to your Yelp Account

Add as many relevant photos to your Yelp account as possible. Potential customers who search on Yelp, spend 2.5 times more time on business pages having photos as compared to pages without photos. It is recommended to depict your customers’ experiences with your business through photos.

Follow these tips to optimize your Yelp page around pictures:

  • Display pictures of your staff members
  • Include images of events organized in your business location
  • Showcase photos of your specialty products or services with descriptions and price
  • Display images of special promotions, deals, and flyers

5. Generate More Reviews

The more reviews your Yelp page has, the better it is from an organic and SEO point of view. While help doesn’t encourage you to directly ask your customers for reviews, you can find creative ways to get more from your customers.

A simple strategy is to request your customers to leave a review if they find your service or product satisfactory. If you offer high-quality services or products and your customers feel delighted with their interaction with your business, they will be more than pleased to leave the reviews you ask.

It is recommended to place stickers around your business or in your interactions with customers to leave a review. Look for different opportunities to place a link to your Yelp business page.

If you think it can be a daunting task to effectively optimize your Yelp business page, it is recommended to hire the services of a Yelp expert. For more information and insights, feel free to contact Clear Imaging at 1(800) 380-6942. You may also write to us and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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