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Four Must-have Apps for Facebook Business

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Although Facebook pages for Business abound with wicked features it is certainly not the end-all for third party developers have taken Facebook to entirely new realms.

In this article we will feature some of the hotter and more useful apps that you can use for your Facebook Business page.


Any Promotion Manager worth his salt knows that his promo is only as good as the surveys done to back it up. With that said, you can use SurveyMonkey’s facebook app to survey your fans to find how what they really think, and then create a promotional campaign tailored around that which is less ‘in the dark’ and based on certainties.



It doesn’t get much more convenient than selling your products directly on Facebook via a third party app and credit card processor. In only a few minutes you can build a professional store front, all hosted on Facebook.

This is an ideal solution for those who do not yet have e-commerce set up on their own websites and are looking for a simple and free way to sell their products to the public.



One of the few downsides of Facebook Business pages is that you cannot directly initiate communication/messages with your user base. Well consider that disability history thanks to the app LiveChat.



Consider LiveStream the equivalent of Google Plus’s Hangouts on Air, wherein you are basically streaming live an event, show, program or whatever you want. The only downside is this Facebook app is not free, however the pricing is reasonable.

With properly planned content/programs this application is very powerful and can generate tremendous interest and traffic to your page.



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