
Utilizing your e-book for promotion

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This week’s article is our third and final piece on the e-book series. To catch up by all means read parts one and two here.

Now that you have invested all of that time and energy in surveying, writing and creation it is time to put it to use. Let’s go over some of the various avenues you can take in utilizing your e-book as promotion, in order to get the most bang for your buck.


As will be described in a future article, it is absolutely essential for your promotion and marketing campaign to have the end result of gathering emails from existing or prospective consumers. Therefore this article will focus on using your e-book to acquire said emails. Let’s begin!

The Cashier

You may not realize it, but the cashier is a unique, potent and under-utilized point in the consumer experience. It is one of the few points where you the business are in control of the customer.

While some companies take advantage of this and collect zip codes of the consumers (in order to find what regions have their highest concentration of customers, and thereafter increase mailings to these regions), we want other information, namely, their email. How can we get it?

AFTER the cashier takes the money (as that point the cashier is in control), the cashier says: “we have made a new e-book for our customers titled ‘____’, and its free! All we need is your email and we can send it to you”. Cashier then hands them the pen and clip board.

Script variations are endless, however that is the basic idea. The admin for this is simple, you needn’t anything more than a clip board, pen, and a field for the customer’s name and email.

It is important that the cashier NEVER asks if the customer wants it, that is not good control, the words must be phrased (as in the above) so as though you are telling the customer to do it, but smoothly.

Your website’s Contact Form

This is a very simple implementation as your website certainly has a contact form. All you need to do is have a ‘star flash’ made and put at the top of every page of your website (In the header or banner). The star flash would read something like: “Get Your Free E-book!”. It will grab attention and then when clicked it will take them to the contact page, where they can fill out the contact form, and write in the message field: “please send me my free e-book’.


These are just two of many possibilities you can implement, however they are the simplest and easiest. But you shouldn’t stop with just two, you should create as many avenues as possible to collect email addresses. Why? Stay tuned for next week’s article on the Power of Email Marketing.

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