
Putting on an Event

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While this article may be best suited to be released in the summer time when people are more apt to go and spend time outside, we are writing it now, so that you can prepare yourself for when summer comes. And what should you prepare yourself for? A very under-utilized form of promotion and public relations: events. With some businesses this is more obvious and even over-done (as in restaurants, bars, with events every week) and with others it may seem unnatural (landscapers, florists, contractors, etc) at first but don’t let that assumption put you off! ANY business no matter what its type can put on seamlessly a variety of events and benefit from them.

Why Bother?

The benefits of putting on an event are many indeed, but the primary benefits include and are not limited to:

1)      Gathering from the attendees contact information which can then be used for future promotion (mailing, emails, phone calls).

2)      Building up a rapport with your consumer base which then solidifies relationships with them and converts them into long term customers. Then subsequently they would spread positive word of mouth about your business.

3)      Depending on the type of event (if it is a community service type of event where you are going out into the city and doing good, improving conditions) your business would gain excellent public relations exposure.

4)      Gives an opportunity for you to sell products & services to the attendees at the event. The level of how aggressively you sell is entirely at your discretion

What Kind of Event?

With a little creativity, observing what other companies are doing, and questioning your consumer base you can create your own event, tailored to what you need and want and to what people will find attractive.

Community Service

This is an excellent choice for a few reasons: one being that you don’t even need ‘attendees’ you can just take your own staff and go out and do the community service. Of course you can also promote it to your customers and have them join too. This type of event is excellent for PR and costs no money to do, and gives your company the potential of getting news coverage.


Putting on a Barbeque is a viable option in the summer time when people are spending more time outside enjoying themselves. It can be free or have a nominal fee, and the faire needn’t be anything impressive. Simply hot dogs, drinks and chips would do more than suffice. Doing a BBQ has all four benefits as listed above but with less as far as PR is concerned when compared to the community service event.


This type of event can generate great interest as you can center it around things which your consumer base want to know and if they knew it would better their lives or consumer experience. Namely: ‘DIY Workshops”, on whatever topic is in demand of your consumer base. In order to find out whatever that is however you will need to survey.


The more promotion a company does the better, and if you can promote at a low cost and get a high return (as possible with doing events) then you can win.


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