Direct Email Promotion

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If you have ever sent out sales emails to existing or prospective customers only to receive a dearth of responses, and then barely any of them being ‘sold’ you may have been dismayed in regards to the effectiveness of email as a sales tool. But don’t dismay, for there is a definite method to a successful sales email. Let’s discuss.

Make it Personal

First and foremost the email must be personal, being addressed to the person’s name (if you have that information) taking the extra time to get that information and write it in makes a difference. Secondly, if you know the actual individual/customer, writing a personal remark at the beginning of the email helps establish some reality.

If you know the individual’s geographic location you can make a comment on the weather. Or even if you don’t know you could write something such as: “Its a brisk day down here in *** how’s the weather in your neck of the woods?”, anything to break the ice and make it more personal. Even though that may seem superficial it does help to oil the cogs of social intercourse.

No Links

Don’t put any links in your email! Unless you have then been corresponding with that individual and they are requesting certain information for which you must use a hyperlink in order to provide them with that information. But aside from that putting a link in your email is deadly and will cause readers to delete your email.

Approach – Step Mail

The format for your email campaign is simple and consists of five emails which build upon each other, step by step informing the reader and guiding him along to the final email where he is now prepared to be ‘sold’. It is this gradient approach which is necessary to sell someone by email.

Email #1 Introduction and mystery

Introduce yourself, establish some reality as mentioned above with some personal remarks, next give the reader a mystery by describing the benefits of your product and the consequences of not having it, all without saying what the product is.

Email #2 Problems, difficulties, mystery

According to the survey which you already should have done (If you haven’t by all means have it done), you will know the obstacles and barriers people experience for want of your product/service. In this email discuss these and end it by stating that you do have the solution for it, but don’t say what it is.

Email #3 Solutions

According to the survey which you already should have done you will know what the customer hopes to achieve and what benefits HE THINKS are valuable from your product/service (not the benefits which you think are valuable. This is discovered by surveying). Discuss these benefits, and conclude the message stating that your product/service can do this, but don’t say what it is.

Email #4 Technical details/Testimonials

Use science and testimonials to backup your image and product/service.

Email #5 Sales

Finally, say what your product/service is in detail and end the email with your company’s phone number so they can contact you for more information.

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