Keys to Copywriting Part Two

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In last week’s article we discussed the tremendous value of headings and sub titles in regards to the copy of your web page. However it doesn’t end there. There are a few more key elements you will need in order to have web copy that has ‘sellability’. Let’s dive in.

Call to Action

A vital component in your tool box is the often talked about but under-utilized ‘call to action’ (CTA). What is it exactly, and why do you need it? Simply put when visitors are reading your web pages they are in ‘spectator’ mode, just robotically scanning over the text and going through their own thought processes. Of course you would assume that after reading your excellent text that the person would be sold and they would logically go a head and find your contact page and send you a message without any further prompting. Unfortunately this assumption will cost you much business. Even if your text and presentation are all excellent, you still must direct your visitor and tell him what to do. Otherwise he finishes reading your page and just thinks ‘oh that’s nice’, and then closes the browser or goes somewhere else.

You must make an effort to have a call to action at the bottom of every page of your text, as this tells the visitor what to do next. The call to action itself is very simple. Even something as banal as ‘call us now to learn more 555-5555’ is far better than nothing.

Make sure that your CTA is big and distinguished from your other text so as to get attention.


Imagery plays a very small role in the ‘sellability’ of your text. Indeed, you don’t necessarily need any images on your page at all (unless your page is selling products) if your text was good enough. Images add just a little more reality and solidity to what you’re talking about and if used in moderation are helpful, but the focus should be on good headings and good text, with images supporting them.


A single image or pair of images would suffice to help ‘breakup’ the text and add some interest and add some reality to whatever it is your are talking about, however that is all it will do and is certainly not the deal breaker.


Fonts and font styles play absolutely no role in the sellability of your text. You could have the most mundane, boring New Times Roman or Arial styled text and still get excellent results on your conversion rate (if your text and headings were properly written). Web visitors are not sold by pretty fonts.


Colors have some definite value in the sellability of your text. Their primary use is for helping to delineate between links, headings and CTAs. Your headings, subheadings and CTA’s should always be a different color than your text, so they stand out more and get the reader’s attention. That is the only role color plays, albeit an important one.

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