Getting the Most Out of Social Media

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As the landscape continues to evolve for the world of social media, so do the techniques to improve the effectiveness of their campaign. The webmaster/marketer should never become satisfied with what he knows. Let’s look at a few items that should be utilized.

Tweet Images on Twitter

The mainstay of twitter activity has always been short posts of text. Then as time marched forward posting images became very popular (enter the world-wide sensation that is Instagram). Businesses should now be posting as much in the way of photos as they do in text (if not more) on their Twitter accounts. Images grab much more attention from users than text, and results in higher engagement, which is what we want.

Re-post your content

When you post on your Facebook or Twitter your post will only be seen by a relatively small proportion of your followers/fans. This leaves your post not reaching its full reach potential, and could be seen as waste. Therefore it is recommended that you repeat the same post at least two or three times in order to get the most bang for your buck. Make sure that when you do a repeat post that it is at least six to twelve hours after the original post.


The element of time zones has become a very important factor in social media promotion. However this depends on your audience’s actual geographic location. If your audience is international then time zones would play a vital roll, but if your business’s audience is limited to your city you won’t need to worry about coordinating your posts with other time zones.

Should your audience be spread over two or more time zones then you must incorporate into your campaign, the repetition of posts at the key hours in those time zones. For example if a key hour to post was 6pm Eastern, then you would also make sure that you repeat that same post three hours later for the 6pm Pacific audience (so they get the post too)


A fairly conservative and efficient approach to social media promotion is simply re-sharing popular posts made by others. This takes very little thought and energy as you are simply finding what is already doing well, and sharing it on your page. How relevant these posts should be to your business/industry is your choice. You could choose to only re-share posts from other company’s in the same industry, with relevant posts. Or on the other end of the gamut you can re-share posts about cats, humor or whatever is going viral.

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