Psychology for Web Marketing: Using Consistency

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In last week’s article we discussed the power that reciprocity has over individuals in getting them to say yes, agree to things, or to buy.

Now let’s go over another powerful influencing factor: Consistency.


Consistency of Commitment (keeping one’s word)

In this case we mean people having the urge to do what they said they would do. It can be for appointments, volunteer work, favors; anything like this.

When a person makes a commitment they then feel some level of obligation to fulfill it. Therefore, this way of behavior can be used to get people to do things. You can get people to do big things for you, if you start out by having them do small things for you.


How to Apply it

Here are a few key aspects in getting commitments:

1)      It must start as a small and easily-approached commitment, don’t blow them off with a big, tall order

2)      After the small commitment is made, then a larger one can be made at a later time, it will be easier for them to confront the larger commitment because the approach was gradient

3)      The person must be reminded of his commitment. You mustn’t be afraid to remind the person: “Mr. Jones, you said last week that you would come and see us, what happened?”, etc etc.


What can it be used for?

Ask yourself some things you’d like to get your customers to do for you (aside from buy products).

1)      Ask for written testimonials, then ask for filmed testimonials

2)      Ask for written reviews, then ask for reviews on Yelp, Google Business

3)      Ask for written testimonials, then ask them for people they know who would need/want your services

4)      Have customers agree for an appointment to get a free estimate, then have them purchase services

5)      Ask for customer’s email address, and give them 20% off purchase, and then sign them up to your newsletter

6)      Offer a contest where a customer has to write up why they love your brand, and the winner gets some sort of prize. This identifies the customers who are most enthusiastic about your brand, after the contest you can ask them for video testimonials, reviews, anything you want.  This allows you to create a database of your most loyal customers. It also affirms their liking for your brand in their mind, by going through the effort to do this

-get people to make commitments that can be made

-get voluntary commitments, in writting

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