2017 Social Media Battle Plan

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As the new year begins it is time to take stock and re-evaluate one’s social media strategy, and pledge to not make the same mistakes as one did in 2016 but instead employ only those actions that actually worked or are empirically effective.

First, let’s establish what doesn’t work.

Posting Once or Twice a Week – you might as well not be posting at all if this is your frequency. You should be posting a minimum of 3 times a day. Worried that you will annoy your user-base? Worry not! Only 5% of them will see your posts anyway, so there is nothing to fear.

Ignoring User Comments – a good social media manager responds to every single message/comment that he receives from his user-base. He doesn’t consider it work or nuisance, as it is this type of engagement (interacting with people) via social media which helps to humanize businesses and establish better relationships. And ‘relationships’ is the byword for marketing in this modern age.

Not Doing Ads & Retargeting on Facebook – you cannot leverage Facebook unless you are doing paid ads and then retargeting. Simply doing organic posts is not enough to get anything done, and will not increase revenue; unless you have a hundred thousand or more fans.

Not Using ‘AddThis’ Social Media Buttons – You need to lose your boring old social media buttons and get hip with AddThis. It is free, has analytics, its customizable, and is the most user-friendly social media button service in existence. http://www.addthis.com/

Working on a Multitude of Social Media Platforms – Focus your efforts and focus on a maximum of two different social media platforms. Facebook & Pinterest, or Twitter & Instagram, or Youtube & Facebook. Whatever it is, trim the fat, focus up and just work one or two social media platforms.


What works, and therefore you should be doing:

Posting Non-Business Related Content – If you’ve broken out of the rut of only posting coupons and instead are posting famous quotes and cat pictures then bravo to you! It is important for businesses to keep their social media properties social and human.

Using Analytics – nearly every social media platform comes built-in with some form of analytics. Use this data to find out which of your posts are performing the best, thereby zeroing in on the right content, as well as finding the right time to post, thus receiving the most engagement.

Staying Hungry for Knowledge – a ‘know best’ attitude will prevent you from achieving success with your strategy. Those who research social media and become more knowledgeable are exponentially more likely to be successful. One has to admit that they don’t know, before they can learn.

Using BuzzSumo and Research to Find Viral Content – reposting viral/already popular content works and is highly recommended.

Dove-tailing your Social Media and Content Marketing Efforts – your campaigns should be working together and not be disjointed. There should be a precise and known result from your social media promotion activity, and it should fit in with your other marketing work.

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