What types of emails should I send?

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Here are three of the main ones:

1.Goodwill Content Emails which simply seek to give information and inform, and not sell. This is helpful information which is relevant to your customer base. These emails should not seek get sales, and instead provide value and free information.

2.Sales Emails which seek to enlighten and get the reader to purchase something. It could be a special discount offer, a new product/service, or simply your main flag-ship service. Whatever it is you are asking them to ‘buy’ directly and not being coy about it. This includes ‘flash sale’ emails.

3.Survey Emails with tailor-made questions to get information from your list, which you can use to better understand your customers. You can use web-based platforms such as SurveyMonkey to create survey questions and tabulate data.

What about newsletters?

The term ‘newsletter’ has been used so often that it has lost its meaning. Instead let’s think over what the contents of a newsletter usually are:

1. updates, recent developments, news
2. timely, seasonal information
3. snippets of articles, with links to main articles
4. special offers

As you can see the newsletter in its traditional form contains many different elements. The error with this that there are too many different messages and calls to action to the reader, too many directions. You can get better results if you separate out your communication into free content emails, and sales emails.

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