The most obvious way to get Google Reviews

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Do you want your website to rank high in Local Google/Google Maps searches?

Yes? Then you need dozens and dozens of positive Google, Facebook and Yelp reviews.

But don’t let the fact that you need to get that many reviews overwhelm you or cause you an instant feeling of defeat.

Getting reviews is actually VERY easy. If you have had a hard time with it in the past, then it was simply the wrong technique.

The most common technique these days is also the most inefficient: emailing all past customers and ask for a review. You’ll get a few but what do you do to get more? Email your customers again? No, they will get annoyed. So, this maneuver is fine to get a few reviews, but it is limited.

If you provide services (not products) then we have the answer for you.

What is wrong with Emailing?
The first problem with emailing your customers for a review AFTER the work is done is that they are no longer ‘hot’. The project is over, they have cooled down and their appreciation and excitement level are much lower. You want to ask for a review from the customer when you are with them in person and they are at the HEIGHT of appreciation and excitement for your work. This is using emotion to your benefit.

The second problem with emailing them is that there is no control. People ignore emails, and there is no guarantee they will do what they say even if they email you back saying ‘yes I will write that review’. The control factor is very weak.

The Right Way
So, how do we use the customer’s excitement to our advantage and improve the control factor?

If you are a plumber, a landscaper, an electrician, a restaurant owner, etc., ask for that review in person right when the work is complete, and the customer is paying or when you are handing them their receipt, or even right before.

This works for two reasons:

  1. They are at their height of appreciation because the work is DONE, and feel indebted to you
  2. You are there in person, so you can control the process and get the review done

And don’t just ask them to get on their mobile phone or PC. That is not smooth and introduces too many barriers. Instead, as they are settling the bill and you are giving them their receipt YOU whip out an iPad with your Google Review page already loaded up, so all they have to do is tap ‘five stars’, log in and bam, done.

You don’t ask them to please write the review later on when you leave. You are letting go of control and therefore letting go of potential reviews.

Making it work
The only way this will work is if your employee is there with the customer and is not afraid to direct and insist. Even if the customer says: “I don’t have time” your employee has to handle it and say: “no problem! I understand that, luckily it only takes 30 seconds, here is the iPad, just tap how many stars”, done.

Get ready to receive dozens upon dozens of reviews
Depending on how many projects/customers you service in a month you can get a very steady flow of new reviews for your company. You will be getting so many reviews that you’ll be able to spread them out between Facebook, Yelp, Houzz, Angie’s List and more.

If you set this up and keep at it, Google will take notice and reward you.

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