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News from Google

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This past June, Google made some minor adjustments to how it ranks websites in its search results. This is nothing to worry about now, since Google implements new updates to their search algorithms, periodically. Though when it does this, websites that are completely fine (like yours) today, could encounter ranking issues in the future.
Each year that goes by, Google gets more and more aggressive with penalizing websites that don’t fully comply with by their SEO guidelines and starts demoting them from their search results. Again, this doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with your website, however…
Now that you know this, you can out-play Google at its own game by taking some pro-active measures to ensure that your website continues to comply with Google’s SEO guidelines and further, improve your website search results. Here are some important measures we highly recommend:

  1. Consistently add quality textual content to your website
  2. Consistently add photos and videos to your website
  3. Solicit positive Google review from your customers
  4. Make sure you have an SSL Certificate

These simple actions alone, will do three things:

  1. Prevent your website from getting penalized
  2. Boost your Google search rankings to the top
  3. Enable you to surpass competitors, since most don’t have this insight.

The best type of content for your website would be carefully researched and well written articles on topics related to your industry. This takes time and care to produce. You can definitely create this content yourself if have the time and energy, or you can hire Clear Imaging to take care of it for you.

We’ve got you covered!

We have been performing Advanced SEO services since 2002. We know it inside and out. Very few companies can say they have been doing SEO that long. This a great opportunity to elevate your website above your competitors because you had the foresight to do today, what will affect tomorrow.

You can call us for more details at 1-800-380-6942 (ext 1) or reply to this email, to learn more about our Advanced SEO services.

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